The Life Fitness 97Ti Treadmill, or big Silver Bullet, so named because of its shiny, alluring appearance, is Life Fitness’s best-selling premium treadmill. Like its counterpart, the 95Ti, it boasts all of the same features and exceeds those in decline ability and speed is capable of. It is a step up in quality from the older Life Fitness machines in the stable, and also comes with a variety of unique features not found elsewhere. The Life Fitness 97Ti Treadmill still provides the patented FlexDeck suspension system and self-lubricating belt that give other Life Fitness machines their great ride, but it also comes with such extra items as a 26 character alphanumeric message control center with workout profile window. The Life Fitness 95Ti Treadmill has a maximally-conveniently placed Ergo-bar, known as the activity zone, which puts all your essential workout data in front of you on over-molded tubular steel. Programs include 28 different choices, such as the military PRT/PRF fitness tests and the Gerkin protocol. The running surface is Life Fitness’s standard 20”x 60” belt, with 8 large shock absorbers underneath and non-slip side rails on both sides of the runner. A pro-active belt-wear and stride sensor will notify you if anything needs tuning. And, of course, the 97Ti is fully-entertainment-system compatible, with an optional attachable LCD TV console (95 TEZ) or LCD entertainment system.

treadmill for slim build-Refurbished Life Fitness 97Ti Treadmill